Healthcare Professionals

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health care Professionals

Juven® Wounds Case Studies

Failed Amputation Flap, Left Flop

“Two months after the amputation of two toes in July, the patient’s left foot wound hadn’t healed. In December, a failed amputation flap occurred; and on February 28 of the following year, the patient began a 30-day trial of Juven.*

With no other change to his care but the addition of Juven, the wound began to heal and continued healing after his supply of Juven was used up.”


Before Juven


Juven Day 19

17 Days Post 30 Day Juven Trial

17 Days Post 30 Day Juven Trial

Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Surgical Wound Separation, Achilles Tendon

“This male type 1 diabetic was initially seen in September for a right Achilles tendon tear. After repair in October, the patient’s incision site separated, leaving an open wound that probed to the tendon. Following two graft applications in April, the patient began taking Juven.* 

In concert with the use of a wound vacuum assistive device, Juven resulted in the observation and documentation of significant improvement to the patient’s wound.” 

At baseline, the wound measured 2.5 cm long, 1.4 cm wide, and 0.3 cm deep. This male patient fell within the age range of 56-70. The healthcare professional in charge was a doctor of podiatric medicine.


Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Plantar Ulcer, Heel

“I was treating a diabetic patient with a plantar heel ulcer. While revascularization, local wound care with collagen dressings, and offloading had improved the ulcer to a degree, progress was minimal and slow. At that point, we added a twice-daily regimen of Juven.* Within about two weeks, there was noticeable improvement.

By her most recent visit, the ulcer has reduced in size significantly, and has nearly closed over the space of six weeks. No other changes in her treatment regimen had been initiated, so I attribute much of the acceleration of the healing process to the Juven.”

At baseline, the wound measured 2.3 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, and 2 mm deep. This female patient fell within the age range of 70+. The healthcare professional in charge was a doctor of podiatric medicine.


Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

DM Ulcer, Left Foot

“I placed my patient on a Juven* trial as he is at high risk of proximal foot amputation due to previous infection treated by distal amputation. There was soft tissue loss, and my patient had undergone a bioengineered graft placement with subsequent failure of the graft.

At this point, Juven was started in an attempt to increase healing potential. He has done fantastic with its use. I will continue to have my patient take Juven during the duration of his treatment and will continue to recommend it for patients with ulcers.”

At baseline, the wound measured 6.7 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, and 0.5 cm deep. This male patient fell within the age range of 56-70. The healthcare professional in charge was a doctor of podiatric medicine.


Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Diabetic Foot Ulcer

“As a type 2 diabetic for over 30 years. I have trouble healing from foot wounds due to neuropathy. This latest lesion was healing very slowly, so Juven seemed like a good addition to my wound care. The Juven* seems to have been effective in finally getting the 12-week old lesion to heal! Now I am on a path to recovery!”

This male patient fell within the age range of 70+. The healthcare professional in charge was a registered dietician.




Juven Day 19


Juven day 35

Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Toe

“My patient had not healed her toe ulcer for a year, and she started losing weight intentionally. I wanted to make sure she had the proper nutrition for healing – so I recommended Juven*. Within one month of using Juven the patient’s wound healed. Both the patient and I are very happy!”

At baseline, the wound measured 0.4 cm long, 0.4 cm wide, and 0.2 cm deep. This female patient fell within the age range of 56-70. The healthcare professional in charge was a doctor of podiatric medicine.


Before Juven


Juven Day 21


Juven Day 35

Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Venous Ulcers, Right Leg

“As a vascular surgeon and Certified Wound Specialist, I have the privilege to care for many patients with chronic wounds that impact quality of life, work, and activities. With this patient and many others, I have seen increased granular tissue through the use of Juven.*

 The majority of my patients, due to their chronic wounds and comorbidities, also have nutritional deficiencies. I have found the most effective supplement is Juven, as its ingredients provide nutritional support for the wound environment and the body as a whole.”

 This female patient fell within the age range of 56-70. The healthcare professional in charge was a vascular surgeon and certified wound specialist.


Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Sacral Pressure Injury

“My patient has a stage 4 sacral pressure injury with chronic refractory osteomyelitis. His regimen over the past 30 days has included antibiotics, serial wound debridement, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, topical wound bed cleanser, daily multivitamin, and Juven* supplements twice daily. 

During the past 30 days his wound has decreased in size from 52.4 cm3 to 34.1 cm3. Juven can be an important part of nutritional support in a multi-modal wound care program.” 

At baseline, the wound measured 6.4 cm long, 2.9 cm wide, and 3.6 cm deep. This male patient fell within the age range of 56-70. The healthcare professional in charge was a wound care physician.


Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Thermal Facial Burns

“A 75-year-old male patient was transferred to our facility with partial- and full-thickness thermal facial burns. Initial evaluation showed his wounds had areas of loosely adherent fibrinous slough and moderate exudate. The patient had adherent wet scabs on the perioral, nasal, and peri-orbital areas. In addition to conventional burn wound care dressings, we placed the patient on our nutritional supplementation protocol which included Juven* administered through a feeding tube.

We observed significant improvement in wound sizes, exudate, percentage of fibrinous slough, biofilm, and epithelization over the eight weeks after starting Juven compared to the period prior to his transfer. The addition of Juven contributed immensely to the favorable wound healing in this case and we recommend it be considered as an adjunct in managing complex burn wounds.”

This male patient fell within the age range of 70+. healthcare professional in charge was a medical doctor.


Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Severe radiation burns, neck

“I received severe radiation burns on my neck from cancer treatment…It was blistering and very painful. I was offered many opportunities for healing, one of which was a 30-day supply of Juven* and I am so happy I accepted it.

I used 8 oz. of water mixed with one packet of Juven in the morning and evening. I really liked the taste of both flavors and that made it so much easier to stay on schedule. 

Thank you Juven! For helping me heal during a very difficult time in my life – I truly appreciate it.”

This male patient fell within the age range of 56-70. The healthcare professional in charge was a registered nurse.


Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Surgical Wound (Mastectomy) – Left Breast

“I have often recommended Juven* over the years…However, doing this case study with a patient has truly opened my eyes to how effective this intervention can be. This patient was extremely distraught and frustrated that nearly 2 months after surgery, she still had an open wound. In less than one week after initiating Juven BID, the wound began to close up and the needle marks healed.”

From the patient:

“I am so very grateful for Juven and the dietitian who recommended it. After having a mastectomy, I developed an open wound at the incision site. I was not sleeping due to the pain and was becoming weaker. Within a week of starting Juven the wound began to heal and I felt more optimistic. I was truly amazed!”

This female patient fell within the age range of 56-70. The healthcare professional in charge was a registered dietician and board-certified specialist in oncology nutrition.


Juven Day 1


Juven Day 7


Juven Day 28

Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

Breast Reconstructive Surgery

“The patient presented for wound care for a non-healing post-op wound.

In early June, she had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction and placement of tissue expanders. Two weeks later she received hyperbaric oxygen therapy. In early July, the left breast flap became partially necrotic requiring surgical debridement, complex closure, and removal of tissue expanders. The superior portion of the left flap was red, inflamed and draining. The patient also reported a decrease in appetite and a 5-pound weight loss.”

We started her on Juven* BID and increased her protein intake. Within 4 days the patient’s condition began to improve.”

This female patient fell within the age range of 56-70. The healthcare professional in charge was a certified wound specialist (M.D.).




Juven Day 4


Juven Day 13

Juven was used in addition to a standard wound care program. Results may vary depending on the type and severity of the wound.

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